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1843 Tithe Map Owners
Shenton Road Green - East Green - West
Ordnance Survey Maps
Ashby Canal Plans 1792-4
1571 - 1850 Baptisms,
Marriages & Burials
Baptisms 1851 - 2000
Marriages 1851-2000
Burials 1851 - 2000
Churchyard Gravestones
1843 Tithe Map
The actual map cannot be put on the site due to copyright.
Boundary Maps
19th Century 20th Century
A transcription with commentary by William T Hall.
These are PDF files that contain scanned images of the transcriptions from Parish Registers. They are currently not searchable but there is a name index on PDF downloadable below.
Transcriptions by Rev. Chris Gash.
This PDF file contains John Nichols' survey (published 1795) plus a more recent survey with drawings by Mrs Jean Jones.
1851: Transcribed by William T Hall.
This is a searchable PDF file.
1891: Transcribed with a short summary
1911:Transcribed with a short summary
Transcription from the roll attached to the 1843 tithe map
1843 Tithe Map field names, owners & occupiers, & outlying home occupiers overlaid on a 2015 aerial view.